#Pilot logbook apps plus
This is a massive plus - it's the difference between having a thin "companion piece" and having your complete logbook right there when and where you want it.What's more, Safelog provides cloud synchronization included at at no extra cost. It can be made to looks and feel like the logbook you already know and it's the ONLY eLogbook system that provides you with a true logbook view - not a cut down approximation - on all iOS devices. Safelog can be configured to work and look like nearly every paper logbook available worldwide. You'll find that it's easy to get into but is also a very deep system loaded with subtle customization options and features for when you need them. But don't trust our words - you can get going right now with Safelog for free, right now, to see how it works.
#Pilot logbook apps full
Where fly-by-nights and one man shops come and go, we've had a full time staff working hard on Safelog since 1998 and we plan on earning your trust and improving the product well into the future.Safelog is fully compatible with USA FAA regulations (61.65, 91, 135, 141, etc.), EASA-FCL, UK CAP 407, Transport Canada, CASA Australia, DGAC, and all other known aviation authorities worldwide. The latter is really important - we charge a fair price so that the system will be there for you in the future. It's a powerful yet easy to use system with a polished user experience, tons of useful features, multi-platform support, and a sensible, sustainable purchase price. We love you back - Safelog provides more features at a lower price than any other serious logbook app BY FAR, and we're continuously making it better still.Thinking about an eLogbook? Smart move! Safelog helps you stay CURRENT, ORGANIZED, and LEGAL. We also thank our airline, flight school, charter, and other institutional partners who have come to have Safelog fly with them in everything from Cessna 150s and Robinson R22s through to Boeing 787s, Airbus A380s, and Gulfstream Vs. Welcome to Safelog, the world's most trusted and versatile pilot logbook system! We're humbled by and grateful to the tens of thousands of you in over 100 countries, including student and private pilots through senior airline and military captains, who have made Safelog the smart pilot's #1 choice.